Self Storage for Small Businesses Makes Sense

There are several benefits to storing items in an self storage unit if you operate a small business. Some of the main advantages include:

  • Safe storage of financial documents
  • Make more room for office space
  • Keep larger supplies of products on hand
  • Keep marketing material pristine between uses

Financial Documents for Tax Purposes


The tax office requires small businesses to keep their financial records for a certain number of years before they can be thrown away. Even the smallest business could find itself storing several boxes of documents each fiscal year. Keeping those boxes at your business site can become crowded very quickly. If you destroy the documents instead of storing them, you will find yourself in deep trouble when the tax office requests an audit.

Keeping old financial documents in an document storage facility is an inexpensive way to make sure they are always available when you need them, but they aren’t stacked in someone’s office or taking up room that could be filled by inventory. Storing financial documents off-site also protects them from natural disasters or unexpected fires. Your important documents will be safe, even if your offices sustain heavy damage.

Reduce Clutter

Small businesses don’t generally have a lot of extra storage space in their buildings. Many small businesses are operated from a home or rented office space. There is very little room to keep the objects that accumulate during regular business operations at your business location. Offices and stores that have a lot of merchandise stacked in every corner give an impression of disorganization. Customers and clients will feel uncomfortable in a space that is filled with unnecessary clutter. Storing your excess merchandise or other important objects in an off-site self storage unit gets them out of the view of clients and creates a cleaner, more organized look for your company’s offices.

Extra Space for Merchandise

It is always good business to have access to plenty of merchandise. You never want to be in a position of waiting for products to be delivered when you have customers ready and anxious to buy. An business storage unit can give you just enough storage space so that you always have a good amount of inventory within easy accessibility. Storing excess inventory at an off-site unit is also a good way to keep it safe from the wear and tear of busy office or store life.

Seasonal Storage Options

There are many items that you only use once or twice a year. The rest of the time they need to be stored away from the sales floor or office. Many seasonal marketing items include large signs and banners that need to be tucked away until they are needed again. If you store them in an off-site self storage unit, you can feel confident that they won’t get damaged while they are not in use. You will also be able to find exactly where you put them when you are ready to use them again the next time.

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