How eCommerce brands can thrive during a national lockdown

These days everybody is talking about the coronavirus pandemic. We are all worried about the impact it has over the world and different countries’ economies and how it is soaring unemployment globally. Have we thought about the impact the epidemic has on eCommerce? 

The general assumption is that the closure of bars, restaurants, offices, stores, and self-quarantine will boost eCommerce business. In reality, this might not be the actual case. So how can eCommerce brands thrive and survive during the national lockdown? 

1. Embrace Long Term Opportunities

As much as there are short term opportunities out there, play the long haul. The businesses that will experience positive impacts the most during this crisis are those that take the long-term view. 

Such businesses have the capacity to adapt to the new norms that will finally come up as a result of this pandemic. Physical stores are closed, so new shoppers will move online. New categories such as household essentials will emerge in eCommerce from big investors who will eventually push smaller guys out of business. 

In the long run, online shopping will rise as the lifestyle of the consumer changes due to Coronavirus.

2. Focus Deeper on Your Target Audience

As an entrepreneur and a marketer, your biggest question right now should be “How can I increase sales?” This question should lead you to think about how you can support your customers during this epidemic. 

Do not direct your focus on profits as this won’t do any good for your brand. It might end up working against it which is a risky thing towards any business. Let your focus be more directed to the target audience instead. Change your brand’s marketing strategies and make them supportive to the audience you are targeting. Nurture the existing customers instead of focusing on acquiring new ones. 

They are going to stick around and support your brand beyond the pandemic period. Go a step further and make donations in terms of products and services to the needy. This action is good for your Public relations and for the brand too.

3. If Relying Solely On SEO, Leverage Paid Search Channels To Target Your Customers

Do you rely solely on search engine optimization? Paid search channels will help you reach your target customers better and fill the gaps where your organic strategy is failing. 

This PPC agency and others offer Google Shopping management and will help you take your eCommerce business to the next level. 

Most agencies will provide a detailed PPC strategy and a unique growth plan for your business. A good agency will help segment your target customers depending on the keywords and topics they show more interest in and deliver relevant content to them. 

Incorporate keywords and visuals relevant to COVID 19 into the marketing ads to help draw attention. You only need to make sure that the keywords and visuals are appropriate.

4. Is Your Industry Seeing a Spike In Demand?

It is very important to look at the industry data and trends. Once you see a spike in demand during the period of the Corona crisis, be careful not to handle it poorly. A rise in demand translates to increased orders which you have to prepare for and react effectively. 

Analyse Google Trends closely to see shifts in sentiment and demand. 

Lias with your marketing team to see how you will scale up your hosting to cope with the increased traffic. Prepare your stock in advance by ordering extra stock to satisfy the anticipated demand spike, and keep watching for the permanent change of consumer trends

Use your past data to decide on how much stock you should order to cover the foreseen demand rise. Communicate effectively with the suppliers to help them fulfil your orders quickly just in case you receive more orders than expected. Be sure that you can cope and react to the demand spikes by preparing well way beforehand.

5. Being Clear on Shipping Information if There are Delays

As many customers move online to buy their day to day needs, shipment delays are also expected to increase. This is because air freight has reduced due to the suspension of some airlines. The flight suspensions have also taken a toll in the postal industry resulting in mail slowdown. 

Besides the freight suspensions, ships are also in quarantine. Most of the goods in the world are shipped by sea but the industry is already experiencing a hit as the demand for the goods goes down. Many manufacturing companies are also not running as they should following the “work from home” direction from the authorities. 

This means that factory production will be highly affected and shipping will follow the same route. Remember to always communicate effectively about shipping information to your customers. If there are going to be shipping delays, make them understand why and be very clear on this.

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